early problems?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

perhaps these are not related to y2k, but, for the record...... i have had problems TWICE with my long distance service. when i tried to call out, i would get a message saying the number i'm calling FROM is disconnected. when i finally got hold of a rep (after dialling 4 different places, and being connected to the 5th one because it was long-distance), i was told they were having problems with their carrier and that i should sign up with someone else because they didn't know when it would be fixed! i changed to AT&T, didn't have any problems with them. also, i had a lapse in my auto insurance(didn't have a car for about 2 months). when i went to resign-up with the old company i was told they were not taking any new clients, the reason given was they are "servicing" their current customers. rather odd that they don't want to take any new money....

-- sarah (qubr@aol.com), May 11, 1999



I can hardly believe (no offense) that a long distance carrier would actually tell you to sign up with someone else! The competition between carriers is so intense. Wow...

-- Sharon (sking@drought-ridden.com), May 11, 1999.


I also have an ongoing problem with the long distance account for my home phone. It started in February and it continues after dozens of calls asking to get it fixed. So I can't dial long distance on the home phone. Then, I realized that the actual savings was tremendous (laughing) even if we make all necessary long distance calls with our cellular phones. Needless to say, I'm pretty happy the way things are now and don't see a reason to get put on hold as confused people talk to their managers about how to solve an apparently unsolvable problem. I could switch carriers, but the savings means more money for preps.

Sincerely, Stan Faryna

-- Stan Faryna (info@giglobal.com), May 11, 1999.

I too have had the same problem with long distance. Its a little disconcerting to hear a voice say, "we're sorry, the number which you are calling FROM has been disconnected".

Got two tin cans and some string???


-- Taz (Tassie @aol.com), May 11, 1999.

Sarah ... I also had same problem as mentioned by another respondant; i.e. NO reminder of payment due on auto insurance; NO NOTICE OF CANCELLATIOON either ! BUT, leave it to the politicians to NOT miss a chance to kick you when your down . About a week after I registered the cars (ON TIME) a notice comes saying I am NOT insured, implying it was a trick I would NOT get away with; and remit IMMEDIATELY $100 PER CAR and send proof of insurance in 20 days OR STOP DRIVING/SEND IN PLATES . The FACT that the company did not cancel my policy/send ANY NOTICE WHAT-SO-EVER was of no concern to them . Thank God for Y2K, when these egg-sucking politians will be loath to reveal their former parasitic roles for fear of being castergated on the spot ! I have a garden tool AND guard duty EVERY night ( NO GUN !! ), for any who come to my door for food . However, my posted signs will say , " Everybody works; NO WORK ,NO FOOD ! WORK COMES FIRST !! ". Eagle

-- Hal Walker (e999eagle@freewwweb.com), May 11, 1999.

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