Push by Fred Hunnicuttgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Public Art : One Thread |
hiwhere would i find information about a public art work Fred Hunnicutt art piece title "Push." i'm having a hard time finding sources for this art work.
thank you elaine yumm
-- elaine yim (elaineyumm@hotmail.com), May 10, 1999
Fred & Christianna Hunnicutt are living in Soquel, CA (831) 476-2392.
-- Ellie Tershy (etershy@aol.com), October 14, 2002.
I am in regular contct with the Hunnicutts if you still need questions answered.Find the work of Christianna Hunnicutt at http://www.investinthearts.com
Hope that helps.
-- Investinthearts.com (karenl@investinthearts.com), January 20, 2005.