Using our Stuff : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

The school I am at has a full darkroom, with all kinds of equipment. Can anyone tell me how to use the stuff we have to develop some negatives and print them. I know this may be confusing, if you know a way to have it explained to me in grave detail, please let me know.


-- Whit Majors (, May 09, 1999


From your question I gather that you have no idea what the equipment is let alone how to use it. Teaching you all that is more than can be done on a forum like this. Fortunately, there are many books on just that subject that will guide you through every step. Look in your local mega-mondo bookstore (ie Borders, or Barnes and Noble) and you will find several. Lay out some hard earned cash and you are in business. As for a recomendations, I've found Michael Langfords book (can't remember the title, it's asmall orange covered book) to be a fairly good one for beginners.

Good luck.

-- Fritz M. Brown (, May 10, 1999.

The best way to get everything explained is to find somebody in your town (or get somebody over) with a basic knowledge of darkroom- techniques or attent a workshop. I myself attended such a (3 day) workshop about two years ago and during these two years I got several friends over that also wanted to print their pictures, to get the basics a good explanation of about +/- 2 hours in real life with a demonstration should do it (only the development of negatives is a bit more difficult) - the rest can be learned from books or through experimentation.

Good luck,


-- wim (, May 11, 1999.

What kind of school are you at? HS or College? See if the college has an introductory course in B&W photography. I teach the one at the local university that is offered by the Memorial Union. It meets once a week for 6 weeks. I am able to get folks the basic understanding of their camera equipment, film developing, and printing. After a course like that, folks are able to walk into most darkrooms and figure out how to use the equipment.

-- David (, May 11, 1999.

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