group : LUSENET : S-Mart Shopping Cart : One Thread |
I'm banging my head against the wall trying to figure out why my $groups search doesn't work. Everything else seems to be working fine. Database has all 8 || fields (but some of them are empty. All lines end with | followed by a carriage return. Example of last (8th) field: |CO2, Company| Config file example: %groups = ('CO2', 'CO2');Any ideas? (Thanks!)
-- el (, May 06, 1999
with mine that works 8th field ok.cfg file shoule be %groups = ('CO2','Company','another group','another group') when you search should be
S-Mart.cgi?command=listitems&type=group&group=group to look for&pos0
S-Mart.cgi?command=listitems&type=group&group=CO2&pos0 should come back with a list of all items with CO2 in the group. or S-Mart.cgi?command=listitems&type=group&group=Company&pos0 should come back with a list of all items with Company in the group.
-- Chris Ward (, May 09, 1999.