Tae-bo vids in Australia?

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Could anyone tell me if the tae-bo videos are available in Australia?


-- Anonymous, May 06, 1999


I'm not sure, but you can try calling 1-800-BBTAEBO

or going to the website: tae-bo

i've heard they are trying to find ways to ship it overseas.

good luck!

-- Anonymous, May 06, 1999

Yes! I just saw the infomercial the other day here in Melbourne. You can order them by calling 133 222. I think it is Danoz Direct. They cost about $149 for the set of four.

-- Anonymous, May 12, 1999

I'm ordering a set from overseas and it's a 2 pack, but has 4 separate work outs in it - it's about $49.00 (inc post & handling) - I have no idea how I found it, as it took ages!! If you'd like to know where I ordered it, keep me posted and I'll let you know when they arrive.

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2002

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