Please criteque my gallery! : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread |
I'd appreciate any feedback good or bad about my site!
-- James E. Cox (, May 05, 1999
Your photos are very well composed and they have a good contrast. You seem to like taking photos of spectacular landscapes. Keep up the good work !
-- Animesh Chavan (, June 13, 1999.
iam iranian portrait photografer and enjoied see your photograf
-- khorshidfar (, July 17, 1999.
Your landscape color photos are great. The color and contrast detail is really very good. I am curio about the tech specs for your color photos. The b&W photos are quite good but they seem to be lacking a certian vitality. Please email me if you if you would like a more elaborate answer. Great photos. Keep up the good work.
-- Gino Difarnecio (, September 14, 1999.