GAO report on Utilities : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread


From the Summary:

While the electric power industry has reported that it has made substantial progress in making its equipment and systems ready to continue operations into the Year 2000, significant risks remain.

From p. 3:

Virtually all the SCADA systems and many of the devices use microprocessors and systems that may have, or are known to have, Year 2000 problems. All phases of operations--from generation to distribution--use control systems and equipment that are subject to Year 2000 failures.

-- regular (zzz@z.z), April 30, 1999


you never hear about SCADA systems when utilites throw around compliance numbers.the whole chip issue seems to be ignored all the time and it seems like scada is the big or lose

-- zoobie (zoobie@zoob.zab), April 30, 1999.

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