Old vs. New Brilliant

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I haven't bought paper in a while and was wondering how the new FB graded Brilliant compared with old that came from Zone VI in Vermont.


-- Nancy Goldstein (nfayegold@earthlink.net), April 25, 1999


Essentially, it is the same paper. All paper manufacturers change their papers slightly over time. Give it a shot, it's still very good.

-- Brian Jefferis (jefferis@erols.com), April 29, 1999.

I am not certain about this but I understood the original formula for Seagull had a trace of, I believe Barium, in it. One of the things, perhaps the thing, which made it so beautiful. Now however the EPA, or Congress or whoever as decided that because Barium is a heavy metal it is too dangerous to allow into our environment in even trace amounts. Its use has been banned. So Oriental had to change their formula. I loved the old stuff, have not tried the newest stuff, and probably won't, because I have standardized on a new paper, and refuse to go through the hassle of redoing all again. Until my tests and experience convince me of a paper the rest is advertising claims.... Just part of being a photographer I guess.

-- Jim Ryder (JimRyder12@aol.com), May 01, 1999.

Well I have to eat crow on this one. I have now tried the newest Oriental Seagull graded fiber based paper and found it to be extremely close if not the same as the paper available under this name 10 years ago. I make careful darkroom notes and the new stuff prints exactly the same as the old with the same "recipe" in two developers. This is great stuff. So if you have been waiting for a replacement try the newest version, i don't think you will be disappointed.

-- Jim Ryder (Jimryder12@aol.com), August 26, 1999.

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