Slauda Grade : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

I am attemtping to add a new section to my present HO scale and want have it with a copy of the Slauda Grade, does anyone know of a HO layout with this in it and if there are any good books about Slauda Grade. Also what is the line/division called that SRR runs between Columbia-Charlotte NC.


-- Robert H. Rowe (, April 24, 1999


Robert--there was an article in the October 1992 issue of Railroad Model Craftsman by Doug Nuckles on modeling the Saluda grade. There is a trackplan included.

-- Larry Puckett (, April 24, 1999.

Dear Robert,

The Southern line between Charlotte and Columbia is the Columbia District of the Piedmont Division. In past years, before division consolidation, this was part of a separate Columbia Division. It is also sometimes referred to as the "R line" because the milepost locations are preceded by the letter "R" to differentiate them from from other milepost locations of the same number.

-- Ben Lee (, April 24, 1999.

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