UK: Water firms fall behind in bug battle : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Water companies are failing to prepare adequately for the millennium bug and this could lead to millions of customers across the country facing water shortages over the new year period...


Got hijklmno?

-- regular (zzz@z.z), April 21, 1999



One good thing about the UK is that it rains a lot - I'd be far more concerned if I lived in (say) most of Oz or the southwest USA. I'll make sure I have bottles of bleach and a bathfull of water for 1/1/2000, thereafter what falls on my roof will keep me going until things are back to normal.

-- Nigel Arnot (, April 21, 1999.

H to O (H2O--water)

Get it? Not funny if ya gotta spain it ~[|8^}>

-- regular (zzz@z.z), April 21, 1999.

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