GAO Says the lights might go out : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I don't know if this was posted yet... sorry if it was

CNET-GAO Says the lights might go out


"While the electric power industry has reported that it has made substantial progress in making its equipment and systems ready to continue operations in the Year 2000, significant risks remain," the GAO said.

Computers are critical to utilities for monitoring circuit breakers and relays on high voltage transmission lines that carry the nation's electricity supply.>p> "Resolution of Year 2000 problems in control systems and equipment used in the electric power industry is essential for a dependable supply of electricity necessary for transportation, industrial operations, home heating, and other activities that affect our daily lives," the GAO said.

-- WebRNot (, April 20, 1999


And of course, if you give the GAO enough money out of the surplus, (yeah, yeah, I know, don't distract me here, OK) they will produce a report explaining how to avoid the problems, and another report in 2000 explaining how they prevented the problems, and a request for a few billion more to prevent the melting of Antartica or some such.

The motives of Government agencies are hardly obscure.

-- Paul Davis (, April 20, 1999.

Paul, there is nothing they can do about the power grid, you dummy! It's out of their hands.

-- No One (, April 20, 1999.

You've got it all figured out, don't you, Paul???

-- Nabi Davidson (, April 20, 1999.

Paul - are you saying that you do not ever trust the GAO? if not, then how do you determine when you will trust them and when you will not?


-- Arlin H. Adams (, April 20, 1999.

Paul, I generally respect your posts and your intelligence, but that one was just plain ignorant. I have dealt with the GAO in several different capacities, and they are the one agency in Washington that is genuinely worthy of great respect. You are definitely falling prey to the "anything that argues against my opinion, I'll argue against" disease...


-- Scott Johnson (, April 21, 1999.

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