electric utilities

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

On 4/19 there was a posting of a website address that shows powerpoint presentation slides used in a military (apparently) presentation on Y2K and electric utilities. Very useful information! But it prints out with the right side cut off, and I want to use it for a public presentation at our local library. Anybody know how to get a whole copy of the text? Roleigh Martin gave a website for that, but it didn't work for me. If you read the text, can you tell me who is speaking on slide 25 and who they are talking to, when they say "We will help you make preparations for yourself, your families, your neighbors and your community?" No info. given that I can find. Thanks. Shivani Arjuna odnsmall@aol.com

-- Shivani Arjuna (Ms.) (odnsmall@aol.com), April 20, 1999


If you have Powerpoint, you can download the Powerpoint version of that presentation by changing the filename portion of the web address given in the 4/19 post. Replace sld001.htm with index.htm . . .


This will load the slide index for the presentation which also contains a link for downloading the Powerpoint file. I believe you must have Powerpoint 97 or higher to work with the presentation file.

-- Ruby (geri498615@aol.com), April 20, 1999.

Shivani, All of the slides are in .jpg format.
1)If you have a graphics program like Paint Shop Pro, you can open each .jpg picture and resize it.
2) You can insert the pictures into a Word document and resize them for your page.

-- WebRNot (webrnot@ncap13k.com), April 20, 1999.

When I have that cut off at the margins problem, I go to the "File" drop down at the upper left corner (microsoft internet explorer) and I re configure the page. You can change the margins or do a landscape instead of portrait.

My take on the person who was speaking in "We can help you prepare..." Since this is a web page put out for other army installations, not really the public, I would guess that the Army would be helping the Army Families....and that would make sense. Most installations have extensive family houing, and the families that do not live on base live closeby.

I do not think you are going to see the Army helping the civilians to prepare, although if we end up in a big mess, I think you will see the military put to use in helping out. I don't know if that means martial law or not.

Hope this helps..

-- Mary (CAgdma@home.com), April 20, 1999.

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