Are you coming to Australia? : LUSENET : Casey Affleck : One Thread

Casey if a miracle happens and you read this- do you have any plans to come to Australia in the near future, and if not- why not?!! Melbourne is Boston's sister city too so you should come- really! Does anyone else knows anything about him making a movie here or going on holiday or anything? Who here thinks that Casey doesn't get as much credit as he deserves, and agrees that he's so much better looking than Ben!

-- nicole (, April 18, 1999


Nicole, You are the kindest person on the net. I was in Australia a few years ago. I went to Alice Springs, Sydney, Silverton, and a few other places in the S.east. I don't have any plans to go back but am glad that there is someone there as kind as you if I do decide to return. Casey

-- casey Affleck (, May 18, 1999.

I personally think that Casey and Ben compliment one another. I have a younger sister and I always hated when someone would say "Valerie is so much prettier than Christine" or "Christine is way better looking than Valerie". It's not right. Especially if they are both very attractive. Don't you agree Casey?

-- Valerie Tignini (, May 25, 1999.


I'm sorry to hear that your not coming back to Australia. But mate your missing out.....going to sydney is like going to the electric chair. Come to Melbourne.....I can gaurantee you'll love it!

And by the way ...... why the hell would you take spinach to a desert island ? I'm still trying to figure that out...... Oh Well.... Guess I'll never know.

Keep on trucking Steph

P.S There aren't any road trains or dust storms in Melbourne..... just lots of brown eyed girls ;)

-- Stephanie (, November 03, 1999.

nicole, i'm with you 100%. now i just wish my friends would listen to me... :)

-- Susi-Q (, March 19, 2000.

I totally agree Casey should come to Melbourne, forever!!!!!!

-- Erin (, September 24, 2000.

Yeah, totally come to australia, particularly Melbourne!!!!!!! It really isn't a hole, honest!

-- pammi (, June 19, 2001.

shut up you stupid shits

-- nicole (, July 20, 2001.

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