Auxillary condenser for Omega B66 enlarger : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I bought a used Omega B66 enlarger a few years ago. There is a chamber for an auxiliary condenser, but it did not come with a auxiliary condenser. There is also no manual for the enlarger. I use it to develop 35mm B&W prints. Can someone please tell me what is the function/purpose of the auxiliary condenser for the B66. How necessary is it? Thanks.

-- Mei Leng Lau (, April 17, 1999


I think it's for 35mm printing. If you're prints are fine, theres no need for it. I was thinking of getting a B-66 that is also missing the aux condenser. Please tell me how your prints compare. has Omega parts.

-- J.S (, April 18, 1999.

I also have an Omega B-66. The aux. condenser is for formats smaller than 35mm.

-- Frank (, May 18, 1999.

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