I won't be able to make the Fun Spot Tournament.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Hiya Steve,

Unfortunately I won't be able to make the Fun Spot Tournament in May for two reasons.

1) I was having some difficulty arranging sponsorship to help cover the cost of the trip and justifying the cost to my better half.

2) Our youngest daughter is now scheduled for some major hip surgery around the time of the tournament and I don't think it would be worth my while trying to convince Helen to let me go and leave her to look after the 3 kids when one of them will be in a full body cast with a bar between her legs to keep everything in the right place.

This is also part of the reason I've been so quiet recently on the games recording front. I've been spending too much time around the hospital while she was in traction.

May this tournament be the best one yet and maybe I'll see you next time they organise a big tournament..... maybe we should try to have the next one here in New Zealand instead !! ;-)

Cheers, BeeJay.

-- BeeJay (bjohnstone@cardinal.co.nz), April 15, 1999


heh, me neither...for financial reasons only...

maybe there will be some new sections at SYDNEY 2K! we can only hope! until then...well :) its but a dream ...competing for my country at the olympics...playing old videogames....


-- Krool. (kellyq@ihug.co.nz), April 15, 1999.

Mr. Angry won't be making an appearance at the tourney either.

Unfortunately, the timing of the event is just too close to the E3 convention this year in LA (May 13-15), and I can't afford the time to spend the last weekend before away from work.

Maybe next time.


-- Angry (greggg@ix.netcom.com), April 15, 1999.

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