Lights for Art Deco movie : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread |
I am one of a number of owners of a 1938 Art Deco movie palace. The theater was built for the Schine Movie chain in central New York. John Eberson designed this building; it is a one-of-a-kind outerspace atmosphere house and seats about 2000. The theater is still in it's original condition, but badly damaged due to a bad roof that has now been replaced. Are there any experts that can help us to copy some of our missing light fixtures or someone with photos of similar theaters? I would be glad to talk to anyone who is interested or who wants to help us in our project.
-- Todd Gaglianese (, April 14, 1999
ADSW's list of interior design consultants includes Tigue Lighting. They have worked on some D. C. area Art Deco restorations.
-- Joel Shprentz (, April 25, 1999.
Todd:One of the best places to find "new" old lights is Rejuvenation Lamp & Fixture Company in Portland, Oregon. They carry a great line of Deco fixtures which they call their "modern American" line. Check out their web page at
-- Michael Houser (, December 14, 1999.
I'd watch e-bay for period deco lighting. The original is always better!
-- Amy (, May 16, 2002.
We carry a large number of original, period art deco lighting fixtures. In every size, from small to grand. Some have evn been removed from other movie theaters. We also carry architectural artifacts and furniture from the art deco era. click here to discover more:
-- Lorial Francis (, April 10, 2004.