Digital printing : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I use transparency film (Velvia and E100SW), and up until now now, have had my prints made on Ilfochrome paper. I'm now considering digital printing, either with EverColor or Laser Light Photographics (Bill Nordstrom). Does anyone have any experience with either of these?

IlfoChrome appears to have an almost 3-dimensional quality to it when the prints are well made. Do the digital prints look as well as the IlfoChrome?

Thanks, Bruce

-- Bruce M. Herman (, April 11, 1999


Hi Bruce. I've had prints made both by EverColor and Bill Nordstrom. They're incredible. IMHO far superior to the ILfoChrome. Bill Nordstrom is great if you don't have experience with Photoshop and sophisticated color calibration equipment for your home computer. He's a one stop shop, do it all printer. EverColor may offer the same service, but I think they're more expensive. Both are printed on the same paper (Fuji Crystal Archive) using a Lightjet 5000, so no difference in quality there. Bill was using EverColor for his prints until recently; because of a business dispute I understand Bill is now having a different lab print out his work on a Lightjet 5000 using the Fuji Crystal Archive paper. You can't go wrong with either one.

-- Howard Slavitt (, April 11, 1999.

Can you publish the URL for these companies?

-- Ellis Vener (, April 11, 1999.

The URL for Evercolor is:

Last time I checked, Last Light Photographics did not have a URL. You can contact Bill Nordstrom by phone at: (831)-685-1366.

-- Howard Slavitt (, April 11, 1999.

Along these lines, has anyone tried out Digital Mask at

eventually when I do shoot my masterpiece I'll get a dye transfer print made. Has anyone done this with Digital Mask?

-- Carlos Co (, April 12, 1999.

Calypso Imaging, in Santa Clara, CA has just acquired a LightJet 5k, and they are serious about color fidelity. If they are in your area, you may wish to give them a call or check thier website. Click Here for Calypso.

Both Calypso and EverColor accept imbedded ColorSync profiles for color fidelity from monitor to print.


-- Doug Broussard (, April 12, 1999.

I apologize for the incorrect URL in my last posting.

Calypso's URL is http://


-- Doug Broussard (, April 12, 1999.

Personnally I still prefer the Ilfochrome medium, but the Fuji prints made digitally by Laser Light also look very good (and different). i favor them these days because of the convenience and ability to remove blemishes on the transparency, and i have found Bill Nordstrom to be responsive to specific needs. LL can print on Ilfochrome but that's significantly more expensive.

-- Quang-Tuan Luong (, April 12, 1999.

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