Auto Slide Feeder For Nikon CoolScan III - Will it happen? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I would like to purchase the Nikon CoolScan III scanner. However I have a bunch of slides to scan in and would really like an auto slide feeder like the one on the CoolScan 2000. However, I don't need all the features of the 2000. Are there any plans for Nikon to offer a slide feeder for the CoolScan III?


-- Jim Wichelman (, April 07, 1999


I believe that the LS-30 nad LS-2000 have identical cases, and as such, believe that the current slide feeder would work for the LS-30 as well - and I further believe that they are either a) not marketing it for the LS-30 because of features / costs / etc and it WOULD work as is --or-- b) it's not being sold for the LS-30 and is LOCKED OUT electronically (firmware, software) and wouldn't work with the LS-30.

Either way, I FIRMLY belive that there's no ENGINEERING reason why the LS-30 can't take the slide feeder, and it's an intentional decision on behalf of Nikon. So, why don't you get one at a 30-day MBG place and try it out, and let me know about it? :-)

-Dan PS: I'm in the same boat!

-- Dan Richardson (, January 03, 2001.

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