Olympus camera not found on IBM ThinkPad

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread


I've got Olympus C900-ZOOM (i.e. D400 in U.S.) camera and I can't make the software (CAMEDIA Master 1.0) connect to camera from IBM ThinkPad 380Z notebook computer. On both desktops (work and home) it works, not on the notebook. Serial port is "Enabled (COM1)", OS is Windows NT 4.0 SP 3; PS2 (for mouse) can't be switched off; I tried different setting for serial port (COM2, etc.) In Europe no adapter (floppy disk or PC-card) is in the standard equipment of camera, I got only serial cable and I don't want to invest money into adapter that I would use only with the notebook. Any help known? Any other software that makes it possible? Thanx.


-- Honza Skypala (skypala@espace.cz), April 07, 1999


On most (all?) IBM Thinkpads it is possible to enable/disable power to COM, PCMCIA, InfraRed etc. in order to extend the batterylife. Maybe the power is switched off for your COM port.

-- Jens Sandalgaard (sandal@dk.ibm.com), April 12, 1999.

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