PREPARING IN GLENDALE, CA ? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I sent a detailed letter to the Director of Public Services for the City of Glendale, CA asking about Y2K compliance for water, electrical and sewers. Six weeks latter, I received a letter from the Director of Public Service that stated: "Without responding in detail, please note that our utility has been aware of the "Y2K" problem for some time and is currently taking steps to identify and, if necessary, remedeate significant Y2K issues relating to our operations. Please note, however, that our utility cannot and does not guarantee or warrant that we will identify or remediate every significant Y2K issue. Further, our utility cannot guarantee or warrant that our facilities and systems will in all cases respond properly in the event of contact with non-Y2K compliant systems. This letter constitutes a "Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure" within the meaning of the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act, P.L. 105-271." If you live in Glendale, CA, I thought you would like to know!

-- DEANE WESTERN (DWEST10011@AOL.COM), April 06, 1999


Hi Deane,

Well, I don't live in Glendale but I only live a few miles away. Thank you for the heads up! Are people in your area more or less aware of y2k?

Mike =================================================================

-- Michael Taylor (, April 06, 1999.

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