Local utility began in '95, is now 76% done, but will finish in 2 months!greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Anyone else see something wrong with this picture?
-- Steve Hartsman (hartsman@ticon.net), April 06, 1999
From the way the article is written it sounds like the have multiple plants and most are ready. If that is the case, perhaps a worst case scenario is that most of the plants will operate. What they don't say is what % of their mission critical work is done.
-- Tomcat (tomcat@cat.com), April 06, 1999.
Well, we all know the last 10 - 20 percent of a software project is the easiest part.
-- rick blaine (y2kazoo@hotmail.com), April 06, 1999.
er, Rick, you might want to explain your sarcasm for the readers who've never had to develop software.
-- Arlin H. Adams (ahadams@ix.netcom.com), April 06, 1999.
Oops, sorry, Arlin. 18 months of studying y2k PR spin statements has made me a far too sarcastic fella.
-- rick blaine (y2kazoo@hotmail.com), April 06, 1999.
You think 76% is bad? I come from the "hightech" capital of the world and I keep wondering how Microsoft is going to provide the proverbial "silver bullet" when Puget Sound Energy (our local energy provider) has spent less than 10% of its budget through December of 98. With "20 to 40 decicated workers" (according to its state public Y2k plan) it will go from 10% to 100% by June! Incredible! Maybe even more incredible than the government. Anyone else getting sick of being lied to?DeWayne from Seattle
-- DeWayne Pitts (dpitts@isomedia.com), April 06, 1999.
Get used to it DeWayne, it's only going to get worse in the coming months. The propaganda machine is in high gear and the spin is flying fast and furious. Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see.
-- Nabi Davidson (nabi7@yahoo.com), April 06, 1999.