Burned vcd play well on cdrom but pauses in VCD player?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I created a vcd using Dazzle video capture card, Imation 4420 cdrw, and Memorex cdr media. I used the auto-vcd parameter in the software and both the mpg and dat file plays smoothly from the hd and the cdr. When I play it in my JVC VCD player, it will play ok for the first 10 minutes or so, then the picture gets very bad. It pauses sometime and the pixel get huge and broken every 5 sec or so. Can anyone help?

-- feng zhang (feng@geocities.com), April 06, 1999


This is not an answer but I have the same promblem can any one help please.

-- Kenny (Ktongkul@hotmail.com), April 08, 1999.

Try other media brands. My Ricoh CDRW manual recommends Kodak and to my surprise, all Audio CD's I made using this brand are really "jumpy". My CD player also plays VCD Version 2.0 (it's a JVC too!) I tried using Verbatim ( not suggested by the manual) and virtually everything I burned worked fine. Yes it's the media. Some media have low reflectances which is so hard for some players to be read. Most CDROM drives on our PCs are so designed to read low reflectance CDs. It's a bad thing that some commercial Audio/Video CD players don't have this feature.

-- nicanor pablito jr (nickpablo@hotmail.com), May 23, 1999.

The answer is because your vcd player is one of those old ones that do not support vcd 2.00 and does not have the computer power inside to convert it. If it is a Dvd player that supports video cd, check the D.A.C to see the processor power. If its a 8 or under, you just have to go out and buy a new dvd player or some other form of video cd player. Or it could be your Dvd player was one of those first generation Dvd players that were crappy.

-- Asian4114 (thomasmcphatter@hotmail.com), June 08, 1999.

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