Cinergy to build new electric plant w/start date June : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Local media announced yesterday and today that Ohio PUC has approved in record time an addition that doubles Cinergy electric power generation at their Butler County, Ohio plant (about 35 miles NW of Cincinnati). New plant is to be natural gas with propane backup capability located near Texas Eastern's main gas line. Plant will be producing starting June 2000 for the "wholesale market".I assume "wholesale market" means for sale via the national power grid. Cinergy is already a net power exporter, with excess capacity none is nuclear. It seems Cinergy expects the national power grid to be functional at least by June 2000 if not sooner. It alsoappears that Cinergy detects an increased demand for electric power that would justify their investment and push it so fast - maybe the nuke plants will go down in 3rd qtr 1999????
Those with more knowledge of power markets could enlighten on:
What is the "wholesale market"?
What is the typical lead time on starting up a new power plant form approval received to pwer up?
Thanks to all. Happy Easter and Passover! Bill
-- Bill P (, April 03, 1999