What is the clinical usefulness of Iridology?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Iris Analysis : One Thread

The use of iris interpretation has great clinical benefit. A close look at the iris reveals a detailed illustration of ones intrinsic qualities as well as records of specific responses in the past. More advanced methods enable the interpretation of ancestral genetic factors leading to the current individual status.

If the client has general systemic problems of an unresolved nature including symptoms ranging from simple diffuse feelings of malaise to systemic chronic disturbances, referral for evaluation by an iridologist is an efficient means of acquiring an objective genetic profile of the client's constitutional characteristics, both physiological and behavioral. The iridologist combines this information with other clinical data such as presentation, main complaints, reported habits and lifestyle patterns, and symptomatic manifestations such as skin changes and posture to form a holistic profile of the client's trajectory along their pathway through their life situations. From this picture, a health building plan is developed based on any of several alternative treatment modalities, including nutritional programs, homeopathic and aromatic application, lifestyle upgrade recommendations, affirmations, exercise, meditation, and similar processes that serve to clear the disturbance at several levels.

-- Jon (jon@milesresearch.com), March 30, 1999

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