relationship quirks : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

Maybe you don't live with a nose trimmer or a tiny wooden hand, but are there other toys in your life that take on a life of its own?

-- Anonymous, March 26, 1999


pokemon! it's his whole life. the thing i hear most consistantly is "i love my pokemon *pause* and i love my tiffy of course". it's scary. i've even gotten into pokemon, just because there's no alternative. i can now name almost all 150 of the little critters, and i know most of their statistics too. i was *so* proud of the fact that in almost 18 years of life i was never a video gamer. clearly i suck.

-- Anonymous, March 27, 1999

What is pokemon?

-- Anonymous, April 01, 1999

Pokemon is a Japanese cartoon show that's recently become one of those many Japanese cultural items that Americans get obsessed with. It's actually a pretty cute show, from the handful of times I've seen it. But one of my friends named his penis "Pikachu" recently after one of the characters, which is perhaps taking "aww, isn't anime cute" just a leeetle too far.

-- Anonymous, April 01, 1999

Especially considering that Pika-Chu discharges electricity, rather than more... biological discharges.

-- Anonymous, April 01, 1999

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