Thomas Martin Emerson 1851-1913 : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

My name is Catherine Post, I am researching Thomas Martin Emerson a great grand uncle of mine who I believe was a President of the ACL. While I know there is probably very little information available, I thought it couldn't hurt to ask. If anyone has any information, please feel free to contact me at Thank you.

-- Catherine J. Post (, March 21, 1999


I am grand daughter of thomas martin emerson, please contact me .

-- julia emerson tracy (, January 13, 2001.

CSX has published a new book, "Building a Great Railroad: A History of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad," that has several paragraphs on Mr. Emerson. This book is a detailed and complete history of the ACL and is available through the Society even though it is not yet listed in our catalog. The book is hardback, 6x9 inch, 326 pages, and is $25.00 plus 3.00 shipping. Use our product sales form and address available on this website.

-- Larry Goolsby (, March 22, 1999.

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