Nikon 35-70 f2.8 macro : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread |
I just received a Nikon 35-70 f2.8 lens from Camera World of Oregon and I can not get the lens to go into the Macro setting. I am holding down the small silver button on the lens barrel while turning the zoom ring, like the instructions say, but the zoom ring will not turn in either direction. Anyone else have this problem or have any tips.
-- Glenn (, March 18, 1999
I don't have the lens in front of me...Do you have the lens at the 35mm setting, I believe it must be there. I've never used it, since I have a 105 micro-Nikkor....
-- brad mills (, March 18, 1999.
It has to be at the '35mm' setting and not one millimeter past or it will cooperate in Macro. Don't worry I made the same mistake the first time I tried it. The old saying goes " if all else fails read the directions". Though it might seem that has changed to "if all else fails post a question on the Photo or Camera equipment Q&A" I'm guilty of it too.
-- Gary Wilson (, March 18, 1999.
"It has to be at the '35mm' setting and not one millimeter past or it will 'not' cooperate in Macro.I must be getting tired!!!
-- Gary Wilson (, March 18, 1999.
Thank you, you are all very correct. All I had to do was set it to the 35mm zoom position and it works perfectly. Thank you for the assistance. I should learn to read the instructions more carefully. Thanks again. Glenn
-- Glenn (, March 18, 1999.