Government raises cost estimate for Y2K problems to 6.8 : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
On Fox News Government raises cost estimate for Y2K problems to $6.8 billion 8.37 p.m. ET (0137 GMT) March 17, 1999 WASHINGTON The government raised its estimate Wednesday by $400 million to $6.8 billion for fixing the Year 2000 computer problem among federal agencies, and said costs are expected to rise again.
Mr. K
-- Mr. Kennedy (, March 17, 1999
From the article:
The government also said it doesn't expect to experience problems in its federal buildings, some of which feature computer-controlled elevators and heating and security systems. "No catastrophic Y2K building system potential failures have been identified,'' the report said, adding that "nearly all such systems allow for manual override.''
Now, if we can be sure there are enough people to be on hand that can make it to the buildings to "manually overide" everything....
Mr. K ***manually over-riding the government apathy***
-- Mr. Kennedy (, March 17, 1999.
I like the way these guys talk: "blah blah blah have been identified".Do real people speak like this? Do real people see that the guy hasn't said anything?
Has anybody noticed lately that there is *no* verifiable happy face going on right now?
Jolly hates bureaucrats
-- Jollyprez (, March 17, 1999.