Book on Environmental Portrait Technique : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Is there a good book with inspiring creative examples that focuses on techniques for applying LF movements in posed environmental portraiture. Essentially, I'm looking for another book that is similar to "Using the View Camera" by Steve Simmons, but with different examples. I've read somewhere that LF is not really suitable for environmental portraiture, but I don't believe that.

-- Carlos Co (, March 17, 1999


Response to Environmental Portrait Technique

I can't think of any book that focuses on the techniques of using an LF for enviromental portraiture, but virtually any thing by Arnold Newman is worth owning, as is "Portraits / Mary Ellen Mark ", Smithsonian Institution Press, ISBN 1-56098-720-0.

-- Ellis (, March 17, 1999.

Response to Environmental Portrait Technique

Any of Yousef Karsh's books of portraits will clearly and elegantly demonstrate how he worked [usually on location] with a subject's environment. He worked some with 4x5, but mostly with 8x10, and he used strobes. All of his lenses were Ektars - sharp, but not the unrelenting sharpness of today's multicoated glass.

-- Dick Fish (, March 17, 1999.

Response to Environmental Portrait Technique

Just for images: check out Albert Watsons books. The square pics are 2/14 but the rectangles are 4x5 RW

-- richard (, March 22, 1999.

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