I need help getting a Polaroid Transfer enlarged.greenspun.com : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread |
Hello there. I do Polaroid Transfer work and I saw a 3'x4' enlargement of one that looked absolutely amazing. It was at a lab that I sometimes use. I spoke to them and they quoted me a price of $500.00 to do this. This seemed like a very high price for one image. The thing that I liked about it was that the output was done on Arches paper and it really looked beautiful. I would like to do this and would appreciate anyones help in finding a resource that is reasonable or a direction to go in to make enlargments from 16x20 on up. Please let me know Thank you Gabe egabe@earthlink.net
-- Gabe Sachs (egabe@earthlink.net), March 16, 1999
Was it Iris print (giclee)?
-- Marek Uliasz (uliasz@frii.com), March 16, 1999.
I would bet that this is a giclee print. Check my other message about iris prints and call or email Wilhelm. Do your homework first before you spend that much money. Cynthia
-- Cynthia Davis (cynphoto@aol.com), March 22, 1999.