ImageMate : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I want to buy a compact card reader for parallel port. I already have a printer and a scanner hooked up to LP port, Can I also connect the compact card reader to the same port, with pass through port. From computer to card reader then scanner and finally printer with out any problems Thanks

-- Daniel lehuta (, March 12, 1999


Yes, you can. The card reader I purchased - SanDisk - came with a pass-through. I have my card reader, data switch box, two printers and scanner all hooked up successfully to my parallel port. Confusing but it works!! Good luck..........

-- Jody Kind (, March 14, 1999.

I have used the SanDisk with some peripheral devices, and had conflicts with HP's external CD rewriter, which also operates from the parallel port. I would check Sandisk's website and see if they list any conflicts with devices you plan to use.

-- Matt Chroust (, March 26, 1999.

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