Low inflation to 2002?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Low to no inflation to 2002? For example:

Free y2k222002 catalog (prices* valid to 2-2-2002)... Growing your own berries, vegetables, and herbs for food or as medicines ...is --especially for hard to grow or slow to start herbs, and for thorny berries needed as a security fence-- made easier by buying plants and "Y2K Ready Garden Tools (TM)" on-line at http://www.herbs-spices-flowers.com Your order will be delivered to thru the mail, UPS, and other major carriers. Credit cards accepted thru secure on-line ordering system, or fax (503) 792 3899, or by phone 1-888-810-0196.

Our free printed y2k222002 catalog with prices* valid to 2-2-2002 (*excluding actual shipping costs) is available by using the on-line request form, by phone, fax, or emailing us and providing your name, address and zip. Because our catalogs are mailed to you using bulk mail super-snail rates, the post office only delivers ones with fairly accurate addresses and names... unless the address includes 'or current resident'.

Additional information (e.g. four quite interesting press releases in Word documents or as text) can be emailed to you if you wish... Miles Estate Herb and Berry Farm can also custom grow plants for you. Best wishes, miles@herbs-spices-flowers.com http://www.herbs-spices-flowers.com

 Free y2k222002 catalog from Miles Estate Herb & Berry Farm

-- Miles Estate Herb & Berry Farm (miles@herbs-spices-flowers.com), March 12, 1999


-- _ (_@_._), March 12, 1999.


-- Uncontrollable (laughter@seeingspammug.com), March 12, 1999.

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