Can Raving be classified as a religion experience? : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread

I looked up the definition of religion in an old webster's dictionary and it stated, "man's expression of the divine; a system of beliefs and practices relating to the sacred and uniting its adherents in a community."

Posers and drugs aside, there is definitely something profoundly spiritual about attending a rave. Hundreds of "kids" coming together to dance and express and explore their collective spirit. Their is a special bond between ravers. Perhaps we, like our tribal ancestors before us,have discovered the true meaning of life. Just as our ancient ancestors danced ecstaticly around the wildfire, we have tapped into their wisdom. Remember the moment when you were dancing and experienced complete connection between yourself and everyone in the room. When you lost your mind and found it at the same time.When you became so enraptured by the rhythm that "you" no longer existed, you felt the bliss of transcending your physical body and you BECAME the DANCE. We have experienced ecstacies the average person has never dreamed of. Like indigenous cultures before us, we realize and value the importance of community and love for self and others, love for nature. We dance. We dance in honor of the wild spirit that exists in each of us. We are societies true enlightened beings. We are ONE. We have been blessed to be here now on this earth. We are the incarnate souls of those who danced before us, they reside within our collective memory. We know that raves are and will always be, a CELEBRATION of LIFE.

I'm an old schooler and I hope that the new generation of ravers will open their eyes and their hearts, get past the materialism and truly DANCE. This world has been shifting into chaos for some time and it will only get worse before it can get better. Realize that we need to love and support one another in order to survive as an individual and as a tribe.

-- Anonymous, March 05, 1999


I think a number of ravers agree with your sentiments, though I might contend that some of those ravers don't walk the walk. They may say PLUR 'til they're blue and strenuously defend the rave ideal, all while hoarding their personal power: their clique of friends, drug access, notoriety, DJ skills, whatever.

Regardless, I think the crux of your question is: how does this philosophy get taught to people *entering* the scene? Maybe they've had no introduction from an old-schooler, and they're just coming to see what it's like (or because friends are). Maybe they see rigid cliques and a bunch of "hard" ravers standing around at a party and think that's what it's all about, and that, like in a fraternity or sorority, they have to put in time and go to a lot of parties (i.e., rush) before they can be accepted into the cool group.

How do newbies get taught in a realistic way what 1) raving "should" be about, and 2) what raving is actually about in 1999 -- a mixture of good and bad -- and what to watch out for (and encourage)?

Who's doing this? Should it be done in a more organized way?

-- Anonymous, May 09, 1999

I think that before a person takes a step into a life like raving, they have to have a complete knowlegde of self in some way. This doesn't neccesarrily mean that they need to totally scrutinize themselves to the point of insanity, but I believe that it is neccesary to understand yourself as an individual, or at least understand that you are an individual, before you join a collective anything. For example, take a marriage between two people. Each person has something to bring to the table as an individual (meaning that both have things to share with each other). If one of those persons in that relationship is not sure of who they are or what they hold within themselves, then how can they know what they want? How can they know what to give to, and how to receive, their partner? How will they know if they want what there partner has to offer? And an even better question is, how do they know if they really want to be with their partner? All of these questions may seem trivial and far- fetched to a person who wants to just "flow with it" and "feel it", but party(ing) ,like love, is something that can easily sweep you off your feet and away, if your not already grounded. How many 16 - yearolds do you know who are grounded(18?, 20?). I have to admit, there is something wonderfully and romantically attractive about being involed in a unique movement that celebrates dancing and difference. But to me, there is something way more attactive about knowing myself to a point where I know I don't have to prove myself to anyone, and that by being as individual as I can be, I am helping the Whole. As far as religion is concerned, being complety devoted to something means much more than talking about and defending It. It's (to me) living life and accepting your experiences as they come to you and knowing that each experience is just that, and wil add to the betterment of your person. For me, party(ing) left a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe because I was young (16), maybe because I did drugs, maybe because the "scene changed"(a term that is becoming a cliche), but most definitly because i didn't know myself too well. This gave others a chance to mold my ideas about something so ideal. These are the kind of things that people don't realize can happen in a scene thats so intense. ........if it were only simply just about dancing then things would be different. Thats why cultures who incoporate dance and spirituality into their lives survive without the struggle of constantly trying to prove themselves.

-- Anonymous, July 07, 1999

Sorry, but Raves are far better than any religion that has ever been made up. i think everybody knows why i say made up. and if the answer is yes, than i'm not the atheist that i thought i was because that would be my fucking religion,,, "Happy Hardcorism", "Junglism" HAHA

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

spirtual experience yes, not religion experience. I think it breaks you free from religion and everthing else that is bad in the world.

-- Anonymous, January 09, 2002

I totally agree with what you are saying

-- Anonymous, June 16, 2002

"rave" is definitly a spiritual experience, if you let it be. just like anything in this life, you have to make it what you want. i truely believe "rave" is that thing in this world that we brought with us to escape all the bullshit that happens from day to day.

i myself could never fit into banging my head all night long to guitar bands... i just think that is so corny and negative. i'm glad that i can meet kids anywhere and relate instantly with them... if they've tried it before.

i know alot of people here have said put the drugs aside... but look what the drugs have done, they've really allowed people to open up! raving is what happens when the human spirit is allowed to escape and relax... truely a vacation for the soul! if i was a parent/lawmaker i'd be shitting my pants too... who'd imagine that thing they sorta felt, with the hippies, would be back?

This is the age of aquaris people open your eyes ;)

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2003

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