Lens adapter for Nikon Camera

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I just bought a Nikon N6006 to upgrade my old (call it ancient) equipment. Is there an adapter to use my Pentax screwmount lenses with the N6006? I realize that I won't be able to use the AF and stuff like that, but I won't be able to afford to build this system right away and I will miss the sizes of some of my present lenses. Also, is there an adapter for the Pentax K to Nikon? If there are such devices available, I would really like to know where to lay my hands on them. Thanks

-- Scott Baldwin (ssbaldy@juno.com), March 05, 1999


I know there is such an adapter for Canon FD, but I'm not sure about Nikon. I see things like this on eBay once in a while, so you might check there. I also think I saw one at Ritz one time, but I'm not sure. If you really want one the quickest way to find out if they are available is to call B&H, Adorama, or KEH. If they are still being made, either B&H or Adorama is likely to have them in stock, although I have had better luck finding odd things like this at Adorama. If the were ever made, but no longer are, KEH would be the place to check.

-- Brad Hutcheson (bhutcheson@iname.com), March 06, 1999.

I had one sitting on my desk, but I just sold it to some buy in Oklahoma. If that deal falls through, I will get in touch with you. I searched all over the web for one of these and it took a while to find one. After all that, I ended up never using the thing!!

Anyway, it has a small element in it to allow infinity focus and you will have to use stop-down metering on your 6006. It is made in Japan by Dot Line Corp. part number DL-0619. I can't even remember the name of the place where I got it, but if I come across the old receipt, I will post the info here....

-- Daryl Hiebert (dhiebe@po-box.mcgill.ca), March 06, 1999.

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