Photographic pens for spotting? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I will be spotting & retouching soon for the first time. I've only heard & read about Spot tone & paints. I saw a set of photographic pens for spotting & retouching in a camera store. I never heard of pens for spotting before but it seems like it would be cleaner & neater, maybe safer, than paints. Any opinions or advice? Thanks.

-- Steven (SAGJRNY@HOTMAIL.COM), March 03, 1999


The pens work fine, just take some getting used to if you already use ordinary Spotone.

-- John Hicks / John's Camera Shop (, March 04, 1999.

I use the spot pens. They are a breeze.

-- Tim Brown (, March 04, 1999.

Use a light touch. There are sets for both cold tone and warm tone black and white papers. There is also a set of pens for bleaching out black spots caused by pinholes in the negative. You then fill in with the spotting pen of the appropriate color.

-- Tony Brent (, March 08, 1999.

Pens for spotting

It appears technology has sped past me. I have heard of "Spotting Pens" for some time but never heard of results. Many thanks for your input and I will look for some pens in the near future.

-- H. David Huffman (, May 12, 1999.

I'm also going to spot for the first time. Please let me know how you get on with these spotting pens.

-- David Owens (, December 18, 1999.

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