where to buy components for homemade developer?greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
I would like to know where I could purchase (online or through a catalogue) the seperate components to developer solutions such as hydroquinone, metol, etc. If anyone knows of a company that sells such chemicals in consumer quantities for photographic use, I would be very grateful.
-- David Podorson (podeman@aol.com), March 02, 1999
It would be helpful if people who asked this sort of question would tell us which part of the world they live in.In the UK, Silverprint (http://www.silverprint.co.uk/) is an excellent place. They do mail order. Those photographers unfortunate enough to live on the other side of the pond tend to suggest http://www.montana.com/formulary/Index.html.
-- Alan Gibson (Alan.Gibson@technologist.com), March 03, 1999.
Artcraft Chemicals in Schenectady(spelling?)New York has very good prices on individual chemicals and the owner is pleasant to deal with. www.nfinity.com/~mdmuir/artcraft.html Generally Artcraft's prices are better than Photographers Formulary.Brian
-- Brian Jefferis (jefferis@erols.com), March 05, 1999.
My suggestion, after you gain a supplier of chemicals, is to also purchase two books by C.I. Jacobson entitled, "Developing" and "Enlarging", in which you'll find formulae for most of the developers which have been used/popular in this century. The books may be out of date, may not. If you can't find them look for Barnes & Noble bookstores on the net. http://www.altavista.digital.com can get you there.
-- H. David Huffman (craptalk@ix.netcom.com), May 12, 1999.
Photographer's Formulary in Condon, MT.www.photoformulary.com
Has most of the photo chemicals for creating chemistry for standard processes: developing, fixing, bleaching, toning.
-- steve (swines@egginc.com), March 10, 1999.