where to buy components for homemade developer?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I would like to know where I could purchase (online or through a catalogue) the seperate components to developer solutions such as hydroquinone, metol, etc. If anyone knows of a company that sells such chemicals in consumer quantities for photographic use, I would be very grateful.

-- David Podorson (podeman@aol.com), March 02, 1999


It would be helpful if people who asked this sort of question would tell us which part of the world they live in.

In the UK, Silverprint (http://www.silverprint.co.uk/) is an excellent place. They do mail order. Those photographers unfortunate enough to live on the other side of the pond tend to suggest http://www.montana.com/formulary/Index.html.

-- Alan Gibson (Alan.Gibson@technologist.com), March 03, 1999.

Artcraft Chemicals in Schenectady(spelling?)New York has very good prices on individual chemicals and the owner is pleasant to deal with. www.nfinity.com/~mdmuir/artcraft.html Generally Artcraft's prices are better than Photographers Formulary.


-- Brian Jefferis (jefferis@erols.com), March 05, 1999.

components for homemade developer

My suggestion, after you gain a supplier of chemicals, is to also purchase two books by C.I. Jacobson entitled, "Developing" and "Enlarging", in which you'll find formulae for most of the developers which have been used/popular in this century. The books may be out of date, may not. If you can't find them look for Barnes & Noble bookstores on the net. http://www.altavista.digital.com can get you there.

-- H. David Huffman (craptalk@ix.netcom.com), May 12, 1999.

Photographer's Formulary in Condon, MT.


Has most of the photo chemicals for creating chemistry for standard processes: developing, fixing, bleaching, toning.

-- steve (swines@egginc.com), March 10, 1999.

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