Lens hood for the Nikon 80-200 f/2.8 non d versiongreenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread |
I have an older version of the Nikon 80-200 f/2.8 non d version lens. Can anyone recommend a lens hood that would fit it and also a tripod holder? Thanks
-- gil (g_il@yahoo.com), March 01, 1999
I also have this lens in the two-touch version, but mine is D. I can't seem to get my hands on the proper lens hood and I am getting misinformation from camera shops who seem to want to put the bayonet hood on my lens. I already made this mistake once and had to return the hood.
-- Jason Yoder (Jyoder@kconline.com), March 01, 1999.
The hood for the one touch AF non-D version is the screw-in HN-28. Both AF D versions, one and two touch, use the same bayonet hood: HB- 7.
-- John Fisher (jfisher@ionet.net), March 01, 1999.
Thanks for the info John. I went out and bought the HN 28 and it fits perfect. Jason, a word of advice if you're looking into buying this. It seems that Nikon has stopped making it so you might have a bit of trouble looking for it. There were only a couple of stores that had it in stock. By the way, its a metal hood.
-- gil (g_il@yahoo.com), March 01, 1999.