Rick Cowles Speaks in Maryland.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Convenient to Baltimore and DeeCee. Rick Cowles Speaks on the Electric Utilities. Friday February 26, 1999 7:30 PM $4.00 admission New Covenant Church, Arnold, MD Reservations: (410) 757-0821 Email: Y2KWISE@bigfoot.com From Route 50, Rt 2 North. Right onto College Parkway. Pass two traffic lights. Left onto Jones Station Road Fourth left onto Windsor Proceed 1/4 mile to church on the left. Maybe I'll show up and harrass Rick; taunt him from the back, "Hey Rick, I heard you invested heavily in Eveready and Kerosun, any truth to that?" Maybe I'll put on my -bks- mask and bait him, "Where's your evidence, Rick? I want two sources for that statement." Anyone in the DeeCee, Ball-more, Annapolis area, worried about Pepco (the three stooges own electric utility), Vepco, or BG&E, come on out and let's Y2K party. I'll have my LED flashlight if anyone is interested in trying to knock an owl out of a tree with it. Careful where you point it, you might scorch the paint there, put out someone's eye. cory hamasaki 310 Days, 7,444 Hours. Yes I know I'm late with the WRP. I'll work on it tonight.

-- Known Y2K Troublemaker (cory@you.know.where), February 24, 1999


Lessee; good weather this Friday. If I get off work early I could get to DC by 1930. It might be an interesting show. But I do wanna use this weekend's "free cash" for that ammo shipment due at the Arms Shop or blow it on an overnighter to DC to sling barbs and arrows? Gosh it could be fun...

PS: Cory you're giving the Three Stooges a VERY BAD name by comparing them to PEPCO. PEPCO is in a special class along with the DC government. The Stooges were only acting in their looniness. PEPCO and DC.gov are dead (deadly?) serious in their Y2K fiasco.


-- Wildweasel (vtmldm@epix.net), February 24, 1999.

I'm sure thinking of going. Any other Yourdonites? (We need to develop A Signal to show who we are so we can find each other. A copy of Timebomb2000? A bag of doughnuts -- HEY, JUST KIDDING. Other ideas?...)

-- Jack (jsprat@eld.net), February 24, 1999.

If its CCCC you want to see, leave a happy meal unattended and pretend not to look.

I would go but the Mormon cannery in Bridgeport, N.J. is closing to non-Mormons on March 1st. Got the man to squeeze me in on Friday night. Do I want to listen to Cowles or get food? Let us know where BG&E is at.


-- m (m@m.m), February 24, 1999.

Jack a great idea.

Do you think we'll be the black sheeple in the flock? I am trying to think of something not too conspicuous to use as possible identification of Yourdinitees... Ummmm! let me think, let me think. Thinking...... Timebomb 2000 seems good to me. Carrying a candle might work - symbolic too of possible power outages. I'll think some more and meanwhile maybe someone else will come up with something really appropriate that we can all be in agreement on.

-- Suburb (an@metroarea.com), February 25, 1999.

A Butthead button?
HumptyDumpty on a broomstick nametag?
Mudwrestling magazine?
Carry a flyswatter?
Yellowing fruitcake?
Camouflage pants?
Plumber's ball-stopper?
YoUR naME spELleD lIKE tHIS?
TSHTF graphical button?
Bomb in clock button?
YourDYNAMITE picture?

xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx

-- Leska (allaha@earthlink.net), February 25, 1999.

How about a strip of duct tape stuck across our left chests displaying the word YOURDONITE proudly?

-- Suburb (an@metroarea.com), February 25, 1999.

LOL Suburb! Wear really bright red socks with pants cuffed?

-- Leska (allaha@earthlink.net), February 25, 1999.

This one is so obvious that I'm ashamed of you FRLers out there.

Carry a piece of FRUITCAKE !


-- Greybear, and while you at it could you pass out some of these flyleafs?

- Got ID?

-- Greybear (greybear@home.com), February 25, 1999.

That way, at least, you'd be armed if any of the boys want to get fractious.

-- Greybear (greybear@home.com), February 25, 1999.

I've got it we could all carry a flashlight - symbolic too. You never know with all these power plants blowing up we may need them.

-- Suburb (an@metroarea.com), February 25, 1999.

Ya know. We need a Tee Shirt.

Leo, oh Leo! Y2K Opportunity for you.


-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), February 25, 1999.

Hey suburb! I like the really bright red socks idea, but we should only wear one, with a totally different color on the other foot, so that we can be extinguished from all of the other non-your-dynomites that we all know just love wearing really bright red socks.

If we can't agree on a tee shirt how about just using our really bright red matching robes? We shouldn't be too rediculous, uh, I mean conspicuous. Sound reasonable?

-- Rob Michaels (sonofdust@net.com), February 25, 1999.


"Ya know. We need a Tee Shirt. Leo, oh Leo! Y2K Opportunity for you."

As it happens, this is my business & I have a suggestion and would be willing to do this if there are enough people who would like this. I can design and make up 2 1/4" peel & stick labels that you can stick on your shirt. My idea is simply this, everyone vote here for a yea or nay on this idea....send me a SASE with a buck in it (this would cover my cost of doing this only...not trying to make money on it). Then I'll drop 5 labels in the envelop and send it back to you the day I get it.

Some ideas for the design on the label (2 color). 1) a graphic of a fan with sh*t hitting it 2) a candle 3) flashlight 4) Word "Youdonite" or any other graphic you'd like. It will take about 2 weeks from the day I order labels to get them in.

If you all like this idea, I'll proceed and provide a post office box address etc. in a seperate post.

-- Cary Mc from Tx (Caretha@compuserve.com), February 25, 1999.

I like the duct tape idea best, that's exactly what I was thinking and then came upon Suburb's post :-D A piece of duct tape, anywhere; as a name badge, patching up a "suposedly" broken purse strap, a piece "stuck" on a pant leg as if the person didn't know, etc. etc.. just be creative! Would be fun to secretely examine people for pieces of duct tape on themselves.

As for me, you won't miss me, I'll have my mouth duct taped, I can't keep quiet at meetings ;-D

-- Chris (catsy@pond.com), February 25, 1999.

Are we all agreed, then, that duct tape will be used as The Signal? (Fruitcake, mud wrestling girlee magazines, etc., optional, of course....)

-- Jack (jsprat@eld.net), February 25, 1999.

Youz guyz know how I feel about Duct Tape now don't ya. Since it was yours truly who started this duct tape thing and takes full blame and responsibility, how can I say no?

(offline for a while to re-supply, I can actually see part of one of the walls now in my garage!)

Remember: Duct Tape, don't leave home without it!

-- Rob, the Duct Tape Compulsive, Michaels (sonofdust@net.com), February 25, 1999.

You know, Rob, I think you are right. I think duct tape serves as good icon for the "ready" crowd. I too, am one of those who NEVER leaves home without it (and it's big-brother-on-steroids filiment tape).

-- Greybear, how about wrapping you fruitcake in duct tape?

- Got Plenty?

-- Greybear (greybear@hme.com), February 25, 1999.

I am ROTFL because about a month ago Mrs. Michaels told me to bring my relatively new coat to the dry cleaners, which I did. I had a tiny hole on the insdie lining, which I covered with, yes, you guessed it - Duct Tape - to keep the little geese feathers from coming out. I am serious! Do you know that when they saw the duct tape they said they couldn't clean the coat? Mrs. Michaels was not happy about this and I still do not know if I should just try another dry cleaners or what. Any ideas? (No, I am not kidding on this one!)

-- Rob Michaels (sonofdust@net.com), February 25, 1999.

Rob, it sounds like Mrs. Michaels reached her limit a while ago with beavers, burnt fruitsteaks, and duct patches ( and possibly other identifiers ;-) Perhaps it would be wise to solicit her preference beforehand for our common signaling? Would she suggest a black eye? Ashton recommends a hacked computer power cord, showing the spousal last-ditch axing of Forum addiction. He says we could wear the flayed cord around our necks and the Espousals Anonymous would instantly GI. Oh dear, I'll have to guard mine ;-D

xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx x

-- Leska (allaha@earthlink.net), February 25, 1999.

Well, if we're gonna start telling "tape" stories.....

One when MaMa Bear was away on business for about three weeks I got what she called a 3 cornered tear in my fav flanel shirt. Seemed simple enpough to me. Turn it inside out, apply a nice duct tape patch.

Patch lasted as long as shirt. Went through many washing and held fine.

-- Greybear, needle and thread need not apply.

- Got Repairs?

ps, don't forget to turn garment right side out before wearing

-- Greybear (greybear@home.com), February 25, 1999.

LOL, Greybear, you're a grizzly ;^?

Cary Mc from Tx, we really like your idea! Forum Souvenirs. We can wear it as a nostalgia badge when the 'Net goes down *sob*

WTSHTF seems the most appropriate lapel to us, more suggestive than explicit, natch; in good taste, tre chic, and so true. Nurses naturally hope the sewers are working perfectly at all times.

Well, there's our vote, plus any of the above ideas on up thru this thread. Tell us your PU Box ;-)

xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx

-- Leska (allaha@earthlink.net), February 25, 1999.

Greybear: YIKES. I can't turn it right side out. The patch is left side, in! Does this mean that I will have to wear it outside in, or inside out, or can I wear it inside but not outside? Does this sound right, uh, I mean what alternative is left? If I take the patch off then I will lose my goose feathers and that wouldn't be right at all since none would be left!

Leska: Words of wisdom - thank you my friend - I shall consult with Dear Mrs. Michaels first, or should I say right away.

-- Rob Michaels (sonofdust@net.com), February 25, 1999.

Rob: It is obvious to me that you are left with only the option to do the right thing.

Wear the dern thing upside down and you avoid all these sticky problems!

-- Greybear

- Got Insulation?

-- Greybear (greybear@home.com), February 25, 1999.


I like your idea. Sounds better than alarming the dry cleaners. (Is it de-duct-able?)

Anyway, I rather like the image of Ed's blue Time Bomb 2000 book cover, and the word Yourdonite. Maybe with rampant LED flashlights below the insignia.

Thoughts guys?


(E-mail Ed with the idea too. He'll respond eventually -- ed@yourdon.com).

-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), February 25, 1999.

Poor Ed! To be associated with us loon-a-tick-tocks. We're not in the mood for anything too tame at this point. Give us a rad button to make us laugh!

xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx

-- Leska (allaha@earthlink.net), February 25, 1999.

Another duct tape idea. We could use duct tape to stick on the top of our pencils/pens to make little flags to wave about.

We could let Rick Cowles in on it and wave them gently - we don't want to be too distracting - to let him know we're there for moral support. Or do you think he would frown upon such a thing?

I'm relatively new to this forum and haven't quite got a handle on character traits yet.

On another note though. What sort of questions should we ask if we get the chance? Best to be prepared.

-- Suburb (an@metroarea.com), February 25, 1999.

Yikes! I got out my trusty map of Maryland, this place is due North of Annapolis, practically on the Chesapeake Bay!! Glad its not any earlier than 7:30. See you all there, duct tape and all....

-- Jack (jsprat@eld.net), February 25, 1999.

Diane, Leska, et al,

I'm working on a few designs for the "Yourdonite" stick n' peel labels, and will e-mail either/both of you after they are finished. Maybe one of you knows how to paste them into a thread here and we can take a vote. I'm e-mailing Ed today to ask him for permission to use his Timebomb 2000 book graphic. One thought on labels vs duct tape....you can stick these labels to other things besides yourself, use your imagination here (g).

Got run....back to the old "creative" art program. Should have something complete and to you by Sunday.

-- Cary Mc from Tx (Caretha@compuserve.com), February 26, 1999.

So Rick will speak on 'power' in the church. Ought to be interesting.

-- BBrown (peace2u@bellatlantic.net), February 26, 1999.

It is decinded!

!! ? Either one of the clever droll imposterings or the TP thing has infected Ed too. Obviously, our identifier has now been sanctioned: FRLers will be known by the little rolled squares of TP duct-taped to their lapels ;-)

Rob Michaels' list of real-world Y2K failures now on CBN site

xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx

-- Leska (allaha@earthlink.net), February 27, 1999.

That's for the guys Leska.

How's about little squares of TP made up to resemble flowers and adorned by way of safety pins as brooches, or worn in hair, or made up into a leis by any Hawaiians out there.

By the way did anyone go last night to hear Rick speak? I couldn't make it due to car troubles. Needless to say I was not a happy wifey yesterday, especially when dear hubby announced that he had to work late so I couldn't use his car.

-- Suburb (an@metroarea.com), February 27, 1999.

Sorry Leska,

Didn't make myself very clear there.

First para. should have finished off with....."for the ladies".

-- Suburb (an@metroarea.com), February 27, 1999.

Suburb, no time for the flower arranging. Lucky if have time for slap-dap duct patch. Rush!

-- Leska (allaha@earthlink.net), February 27, 1999.

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