McDonald's Protectacote UV : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread |
Anyone have any experience using McDonald's Protectacote 951 Retouch or 941 Matte Sprays w/UV protection on their image and emulsion transfers? I would like to know if the finish with the retouch is the same as the matte and does it change the surface of the print and watercolor paper very much? Thanks, Dianne
-- Dianne Iverson (, February 24, 1999
I've used McDonald's matte spray with UV protection and didn't see a noticeable difference (the ground paper wqas Fabriano Artistico Hot Press). However, in one book (Carr's??) it says that the spray changes colors of pastels used on the prints. Also, some time ago, in response to my desperate message about the fading of transfers, someone responded that she had done a test-- exposing prints to light over a period of months-- and found that MacDonald's UV protection didn't work to protect. I haven't done tests myself. Margery
-- margery b. franklin (, March 21, 1999.
I was the one who did the test with the McDonalds Protecta-Cote on emulsion transfers. You can find my complete reponse by going to the list( a.tcl?topicpolaroid%20transfers) then go to Older Messages (by category) then to prevent fading polaroid image transfers. Cynthia
-- Cynthia Davis (, March 22, 1999.