Develop C-22 Film? : LUSENET : Photographers Communicating : One Thread |
We found a roll of Kodacolor-X color negative 120 film in an old camera. The film requires C-22 processing. Does anyone know of a lab that could process this? How much should it cost? We don't want to spend too much considering the roll might be blank.Thanks, Mike
-- Mike Wapner (, February 17, 1999
Try ( 1-roll 29.85 w/shipping,3-6 month lead time
-- Scott Walker (, January 03, 2001.
You can try . They only charge $12.99 per roll plus $1.25 for every print made. Then there is a $5.95 shipping on the first roll and then $1.49 on each addtl roll. Says it will process and ship in 7 to 10 business days. i am going to try it.
-- Donna Hammock (, July 23, 2003.