News as of 2-16-99 : LUSENET : M.Ed. Cohort II : One Thread

Hello all,

My stepmother's doctors' appointments have been moved back to April 1, so I will facilitate the March 4 meeting as usual and we can talk about April 1.

This Thursday, we'll do some things with Verbal-linguistic intellligence, so come prepared with having read Chapter 1 of the Multiple Intelligences text. The second half of the evening will be available for you to work on Masters' thesis projects. If you need anything special, let me know asap.

-- Anonymous, February 16, 1999


Since our April 1 meeting is during spring break for many, should we consider cancelling it. Or maybe we should do as many suggested for the March 4 meeting and discuss intelligence #6 for the first hour and then leave the rest of the time to work on our theses. I will not be able to make the April 1 meeting however since I will jumping the big pond and taking 21 students to Spain march 26-apri 4.

-- Anonymous, February 16, 1999

That will be the week of Spring break for ISD #709 also. Maybe each research group can decide on an individual basis as to whether or not they want to meet on that Thursday. It would be great to have the time either way.

-- Anonymous, February 17, 1999

We probably should consider how many people will be unable to meet on April 1 at our next class. (Sounds like a wonderful trip Lisa!)

-- Anonymous, February 17, 1999

I, too, will be out of town on April 1--I didn't realize that we had a scheduled class during our spring break. We will be doing the relative scene in Georgia--not as exciting as your's Lisa but we are looking forward to it. I hope we can discuss this issue on Thursday.

-- Anonymous, February 17, 1999

April 1 is ok by me as I have no plans and our spring break is over. We should be willing to help anyone who misses the session, but they should also expect something like a cream pie in the face, as it is a significant day in the year. Perhaps we could study the missed "intelligence" of mirth involving activating the abdominal girth...

-- Anonymous, February 22, 1999

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