Peoples Gas (what they didn't say) : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
I went to the daily 10-Q filings with the SEC and saw this for Peoples Gas. For those of you served by these folks, take note: they are very specific in the first two paragraphs when discussing their mainframe systems and their supply chain (vendor responses), but in the third paragraph, there are no statistics, even though their search for embedded systems issues would look to be very detailed. What follows comes from their statement:(Link:
As of December 31, 1998, 21 of the Company's 38 mainframe applications have been fully remediated, tested and implemented, one is in the testing phase, and eight have been (or are in the process of being) eliminated. The eight remaining mainframe applications are scheduled to be replaced by the Company's new mainframe customer information system and are not expected to be remediated. Additionally, all mainframe system modules have been remediated and are now in the testing phase. Many of the Company's non-mainframe applications, spreadsheets and interfaces have also reached the implementation stage, and most others are in the remediation phase. The Company expects to implement all critical internal systems (other than the customer information system to be used by Peoples Gas and North Shore Gas) and all non- critical internal systems by April 30, 1999; and complete installation and testing of the customer information system by the end of fiscal year 1999.
As part of its Year 2000 Project, the Company has also contacted the vendors of its licensed or purchased hardware and software to determine the Year 2000 compliance status of their products. As of December 31, 1998, the Company has received responses from 88% of the vendors and is in the process of replacing, upgrading or eliminating non-compliant vendor products as appropriate. The Company also plans to have certain products, such as its desktop computer inventory, compliant-tested in order to minimize the risks associated with reliance on vendor representations.
The Company has completed an inventory of all equipment containing embedded systems, including telecommunications equipment and facilities. It has also contracted with a consultant that has significant utility and engineering expertise to assist with the embedded systems efforts. The Company has assessed the Year 2000 compliance status of its embedded systems, and it is beginning to test, repair or replace any critical equipment identified as not Year 2000 compliant. The Company's timetable for implementing compliant equipment will depend on the availability of compliant equipment.
-- Brett (, February 15, 1999
Brett,The last sentence is terrifying>
Best wishes,
-- Watchful (, March 20, 1999.
Track their schedule compliance - the April dates are coming soon - there is a little time to delay - but not much. Look at the next report carefully to see what changed in embedded chips and mainframe testing and completion. If there is substantial improvement, you have a better chance than most of remaining up.If they repeat this report - with no real update or progress - watch out!
-- Robert A. Cook, P.E. (Kennesaw, GA) (, March 23, 1999.