Transferring VCD Audio to a standard Audio CD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I have a concert on VCD and I wish to have the audio extracted from it and put on a standard CD that I can use to play in my car or wherever.

I am a Macintosh user and I have used my copy of Quicktime Pro 3.0 to extract the movie file onto my desktop. I have through numerous occasions and frequent attempts failed to convert the audio from this VCD into an AIFF file. The program that I have been using to attempt to convert to AIFF has been SoundApp Fat.

I will mention that I did manage to convert to an AIFF file on one occasion, but the sound came out all garbled, which may be a copy protection program written onto the disc.

If you know of a way that I can get by this dillema, it would be helpful. I have been trying to do this for almost three months now. I feel like giving up.

Thanks for your time and help.

Matthew the_mudman@y

-- Matthew Delahunt (, February 14, 1999


Here is an easy solution...hook up the sound card output to a stereo, capture the sound using a cassette tape then with a headphone- microphone wire(it looks like a headphone jack on both ends available in most electronics stores.) Have a walkman with autoreverse or your stereo send the cassette capture back to the sound card microphone. From there you can capture in AIFF. Easier than extracting the sound plus you get a cassette to use in case.

-- Rutger Stevens (, February 14, 1999.

Here's an easy NON all digital way. Get a 1/8 inch stereo(2 black bands around the plug not 1(mono))cord with the 1/8 inch plug on both ends. Run one end out of the headphone jack on your CD ROM drive & the other end into your sound card, set levels, start up your sound editor/recorder & wah la. Chop up the resultant long file into individual songs & burn baby burn. long live music.

-- lm (, February 19, 1999.

& remember all CD ROM drive headphone jacks are not created equal. I have a matsushita that will do CD-DA extractions at 8X & not miss a drop-rock solid & the headphone jack sounds awful(no noise & no treble either) & just the opposite for my garden variety acer CD ROM drive (great sound at the jack,no CD-DA),

-- lm (, February 19, 1999.

hi matthew, this works for me on win98 but i'm not sure about mac. HOW TO RECORD ANY AUDIO PLAYABLE ON YOUR PC. first do a search on "GOOGLE" for free d/ld of "musicmatch jukebox V6.1" open mm juke box. click on the OPTIONS tab, select "recorder" from the dropdown, select "source" then choose "system mixer". then in the same menu select "quality" and select the format you want to record as i.e. wav/mp3 etc. now all you have to do is open your vcd/dvd/movie file player, then hit "record" on "musicmatch" then "play" on your player. the only drawback is that you are recording in real time. you can probably use many freeware recorders for this but i personally find that "musicmatch" allows high quality conversions to almost any format your likely to need. good luck. steve.

-- steve dreamer (, November 08, 2002.

you can then edit your recording on a wave studio then burn to cdr.

-- steve dreamer (, November 08, 2002.

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