Propane Heater Help : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
HiI need some instructions on how to operate this device I have. I went to an auction and picked up a barbeque tank with a round disk like heater attached to it. I have no idea on how to operate the thing so need some help with instructions so I don't blow myself up. The heater has below it a dial or knob with a small push button in the center of it. Also, there is a slide pin that I can slide from left to right.
I would assume I turn the value on that comes with all the tanks and somehow turn this dial while I hold a match at the heater part where the wire screen is. Wanted to get some guidelines before I attempted it.
I have been told that these heaters really throw out a lot of heat so I bought it for a backup. I spent $20 on the whole unit and got a half a tank of propane to boot. Thanks for any help one can give me. I am a believer that - here today gone tomorrow - but there are things called education to slow down the process.
-- Duane (, February 13, 1999
Duane, I use a similar space heater at my mountain home. Keeps us warm outside when we want to smoke and drink on the deck in the middle of winter. Also can be used to heat the home till the woodstove takes over. Mine says for indoor use only but we keep it under the deck roof out of the rain and snow.To light mine turn on the gas and depress a button (red) on the regulator while holding a match to the element, hold the button down till the thing heats up and the thermcouple kicks in to keep the valve open.
When it is real cold outside the valve sometimes freezes while in operation. I simply pour some hot water on the valve and the problem is solved.
-- Freeman (, February 13, 1999.
Make sure you light the match before you turn the gas on. Propane is heavy than air and it puddles. Never ever use an unvented gas heater in sleeping quarters (carbon monoxide). There should be a manufacturer's label on the heater. Call the manufacturer and ask for an operations manual. You may also want to get some spare parts in case it malfunctions.
-- bardou (, February 13, 1999.
Duane; Freeman has given you the correct info about your auction purchase, You can also go to Wal-mart in their Sporting Goods dept and open the box that has your LP gas heater. I just got one also,and re-read the instructions. I have seen these same heaters with two such "discs" and they do put out the heat. But again if used inside ,the unit describes "outside" use only. Only because it needs ventilation. Good heating, Furie...
-- Furie (, February 13, 1999.
Duane; Freeman has given you the correct info about your auction purchase, You can also go to Wal-mart in their Sporting Goods dept and open the box that has your LP gas heater. I just got one also,and re-read the instructions. I have seen these same heaters with two such "discs" and they do put out the heat. But again if used inside ,the unit describes "outside" use only. Only because it needs ventilation. Good heating, Furie....
-- Furie (, February 13, 1999.