Polymax C paper?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Has anyone had any luck obtaining Kodak Polymax Fine-Art paper in the C finish? (luster surface, cream-white base.) This was announced right around Photokina last fall, and I had my local Kodak dealer order some for me. It's supposed to be a regular-production item, with standard Kodak catalog numbers for a wide variety of sizes etc.

Weeks went by; the dealer checked a couple of times; and said he finally was told by somebody at Kodak that they only make that particular finish in intermittent batches, and that "when we do make it, you have to take whatever we send you."

The stuff still sounds promising, but I wonder if it's going to turn out to be one of those products you hear about but can't get. Anyone actually obtained any?

-- Jim Williams (jlw@novia.net), February 06, 1999

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