Tanzania custom

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Sukuma Culture : One Thread

I am a student who will be attending African Delight at Rice University, with my school. They will be performing "The Cloth Of Pembe Mirui", a custom of Tanzania. From my understanding this is something about a husband who faces great danger to prove his love to his wife. What great danger are they referring to? What must a man go through to prove his love? They will also be performing a skit called "Sampha", a custom from Sierra Leone. What is the significance of this occasion? I was also wondering how the legend of the "Tree Man", from Botswana, originated. ASAP

-- Jenny Metts (students@hopeforyouth.org), February 05, 1999


Iwant some information about the custom of Tanzania pleas . Tanks for you

-- Muna Ahmed (u033197@squ.edo.om), November 16, 2001.

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