4x5 digital back for 4x5 cameras?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have 4x5 camera, with an expensive 65mm wide angle lens. I am interested in data on 4x5 digital backs for this format. Also the type of soft ware and computor required to support the 4x5 digital formate? Thank You. Mark Elder.

-- mark elder (melder@ucsd.edu), February 04, 1999


There are several products that do what you want, all of them expensive! :-( The companies to look at are Dicomed, BetterLight (an updated version of the Dicomed scanning back, by the original developers), and Phase One. All are scanning devices, moving a scan head across the film plane s-l-o-w-l-y, taking as long as several minutes to capture the exposure. Prices range from somewhere around $10,000 (I think) to well over $20,000. I don't know about Mac vs PC on the computer hardware, but all will require a SCSI port, due to the large amounts of data involved. I also don't know what percentage of the 4x5 film plane they cover: All crop at least somewhat, but some will do so more than others. Hope this helps, good luck!

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), February 06, 1999.

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