Op Sys Y2KSS - Can I help you "Make it Happen"greenspun.com : LUSENET : Millennium Salons : One Thread |
Interested Parties: Go see first part of Y2KSS http://home.earthlink.net/~mpbarker02/ thru "interrupt" that sends you out to an explanation of the Op Sys Y2KSS. Then return here, ok? The beauty of the Op Sys Y2KSS is that you don't have to change the data files or the programs. You only have to make some modifications to Op Sys, fill out File Table Data entries and Display Table Data Entries. Just think how well this will work for all those Old Cobol programs out there without Source Code. Just think how much time is saved by not having to go thru millions of lines of Code. Think of all the testing time that is saved and the chances of bugs would be reduced immeasurably. It can be done and I am willing to guide (free of charge) anybody that feels that they could use my assistance in "Making this Happen". Hard coded years in programs would need to be found. We can make this happen, this solution will also be around after systems start failing. It will become much more valuable then. But, we don't need to wait until then, all I need is somebody that will do it with or without my help. Once again, I will assist anybody!!! First Come, First Serve. All I need is the opportunity to prove that it will work. Surely somebody out there is willing to give me a shot!! It's free and as far as I'm concerned you can sell it to whomever for whatever after the first "Prototype" is completed. Let's start now, ok? Contact me at y2ksmplsol@aol.com. Thanks. Max
-- Max R. Barker (y2ksmplsol@aol.com), January 31, 1999