When is the rainy season?greenspun.com : LUSENET : About Hawaii : One Thread |
When is the rainy season?
-- Wilbert Sitch (willy@blackpaint.com), January 30, 1999
Our rainy season is during the winter months.It rains everyday in Hawaii and you can see a rainbow if you go where it's raining. That's the key as it may be pouring on the windward side of a island, but sunny without a cloud in the sky on the leeward side of the same island.
It rains more inland than towards the ocean. There could be an average rainfall of 25" at the shore and 250"+ on the slopes of the mountains. On the island of Maui, the average rainfall for Lahaina is 17" and seven miles away in mountains, Mt Puu Kukui gets close to 40 feet per year. The wettest spot on the earth, Mt Waialeale on Kauai gets over 40 feet per year.
-- Roy Inouye (roy@bothi.com), January 30, 1999.
Could you please tell me the weather conditions in Kauai from March 27 Through April 4th does it rain alotthank you
-- Jodi M. Perry (Wheeler@empireacess.net), January 04, 2004.