Focomat V35 easel : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Is it necessary to have a Leica easel or another one of specific thickness in order to have the autofocus of the V35 function properly?

-- don canning (, January 29, 1999


No, you can use any easel, as long as it is of normal "auto focus" height, i.e. around 1 inch tall. You adjust for the enlarger column height of the easel.

-- Tony Rowlett (, February 02, 1999.

ARGH! I meant to say: You adjust the enlarger column height for the height of the easel by losening at knob at the bottom of the column, and then by turning the crank at the top. There is a scale toward the bottom of the column which approximates the height in millimeters. But most easels are around an inch tall, except for the Saunders quick easels of specific sizes.

-- Tony Rowlett (, February 02, 1999.

I just bought a Photon Beard 4 blade easel which is 65mm in height. I adjusted the colum on the V35 to that height and the autofocus works perfectly. Mind you, 65mm is the maximum vertical height available, so I just scraped in.

-- M.V. (, December 25, 2000.

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